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Engaged Research

We have shared our research at a wide variety of outreach events in a wide variety of formats, including board games! Science communication is something we feel strongly about and are interested in opportunities to publicise our work with new audiences.


We hope you enjoy reading, watching or listening to some of what we've been up to over the last few years.



In Natural Symbols a panel of experts from different disciplines choose an object they feel represents our relationship with nature. Hear Regan discuss the Auroch with Monty Don, exploring how our changing connection with nature over time and what we may need to do to ensure we live on a vibrant planet in the future.


Listen to Regan's discussion of her recent paper on Species traits and range shifts with @UoEpodcast  here.




 Science in the Square (2016)


Our Research group was at the forefront of Exeter University's "Science in the Square", a public engagement event attended by over 2000 people with a young target audience. Regan gave a talk on "Petrifying Plants" exploring the impacts humans have been having on plants and how plants are fighting back!

Soapbox Science (2016)


Watch an afternoon of Soapbox Science, with Exeter university's female researchers showcasing the inspirational science done across a wide range of disciplines.


A wasp spider. Credit: Anita Stizzoli ©


Read Regan's article in the scientific american about species resilience to climate change. 



Engaging Research Workshop (OU)


In March 2017, Jamie Cranston went on a NERC innovation funded workshop at the Open University on Engaged Research. At the end of the week, he presented a short film, communicating the research of three other NERC PhD students.

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